Uncategorized Apr 26, 2018

Welcome my BRILLIANT Friend to the Blog launch of —      “ YOU WERE MADE FOR MORE!

Please get yourself to a comfy place with a warm cup of your favorite beverage before we move forward.

This conversation is certainly of divine inspiration as the sound of the word “BLOG” for many years sounded so awkward to my ears?! BLLLLAAAAOOOOGGG!…LOL

The purpose of this post is to encourage, inspire and challenge the reader as I too am challenged each day on this journey called…LIFE!

After 40 adult years of travel, career, business, ministry, and relationship experience with its multitude of learning moments —good, bad, ugly, funny, exhilarating, painful or sad— regardless they always lead me back to trusting God!

My heart is to exhort, edify and support other misunderstood visionaries—those who KNOW in your heart, there is MUCH that God wants to fulfill through YOUR life! Yet, you are not sure of the HOW at this moment.

Last year, God required me to sit down, to pull away from several ministries, community, and civic roles to write. The project purpose is to share some of the priceless PROVEN principles HE has burned into my heart and in serving others worldwide. After six months, my second book, “Tired of Being…STUCK?!- It’s Time To Mine Your GEMS” was released. It is specially written for those who feel frustration at any moment along your life journey, who are at a fork in the road, and those wondering how to continue onward.

Within a matter of weeks, with God’s grace, it hit Best Selling #1 status in 3 categories! The cornerstone is:

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.”               2 Corinthians 4:7

As one of my beloved life mentors stated- “The wealthiest places in the world are not gold mines, oil fields, diamond mines or banks. The wealthiest place is the cemetery. There lies companies that were never started, masterpieces that were never painted… In the cemetery, there is buried the greatest treasure of untapped potential. There is a treasure within you that must come out. Don’t go to the grave with your treasure still within YOU.”

Dr. Myles Munroe


The day you accepted Christ as your Savior, HE placed a priceless deposit within YOU! Why? To display His Glory on earth by living out and doing the good works He foreordained and purposed within you, before the foundations of the world.

The exciting truth is HE is responsible to energize the deposit within you (Phil 2:13). Our part is to TRUST Him in the process. Unfortunately, life circumstances, our sin nature, our own inadequacies, and insecurities or opposition by external forces keep the treasure buried deep within similar to diamonds hidden in dark mountains. Most of the time unless we are properly trained we are unaware of the presence AND potential power of these priceless “GEMS”.

The first step to discover or mine out the potential within is AWARENESS. As God asked mankind the first question we too must get our genuine GPS status:

But the Lord God called to Adam, and said to him, “Where are you?” Genesis 3:9 NIV

God already KNEW Adams’ physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual GPS…the question was FOR Adam to recognize his status! The question was for Adam’s benefit.

Where (in your life at this moment) are you…STUCK?! Are You TIRED of being STUCK?! As Adam, only you can answer the question. What Are The red flags to indicate one is STUCK? More importantly, HOW does one get…UNSTUCK?

I know how it feels to be STUCK, I know how it feels to be UNSTUCK…and I certainly know which one I prefer!

To recognize STUCK SIGNS, get your complimentary eBook excerpt from “Tired of Being…STUCK?”

It’s Time To MINE out… your GEMS!

You Were Made For…MORE!

Love, Michele

P.S. Let’s connect on FacebookInstagram,  Twitter, and Linkedin…to SHINE Together!

Next Blog—Gem Fact: Diamonds Are Hidden
