Your Special Invite To...

Uncategorized May 10, 2018

The G.E.M Club – God’s Exclusive Masterpiece! The purpose of this group is to encourage, inspire and motivate those who KNOW they are made for more. Diamonds are formed under PRESSURE and are often undervalued until they are uncovered, cleaned off and then held up to the Light!

This group is for: Visionaries who’ve been under the pressure, Visionaries who feel “hidden or discounted at the moment”, Visionaries to fulfill their God-given dream and for visionaries who desire to discover their specific purpose. Ultimately for visionaries who will SHINE with God’s Light!

You will be the first to receive special event/ training notices with GEM Club only promos. You will have once a week access to ask your questions of GEMCoach MJ.

You are also welcome to post Prayer Requests for your goals, business/ministry desires, and guidance for next steps. Our GEM Team Leaders will stand in faith with you.

“Everyone who is called by My Name, Whom I have created for My glory,
Whom I have formed, even whom I have made.” Isa 43:7AMP

Click here to request access to this PRIVATE Facebook Group

You Were Made For…MORE!

Love, Michele

P.S. Let’s connect on FacebookInstagram,  Twitter and Linkedin…to SHINE Together!

