Reflection Of Women’s Month…

Uncategorized Jun 07, 2018

Lovely Ladies, CONGRATULATIONS! The world celebrates WOMEN for an entire month (March) and the various societal accomplishments/ contributions made on our behalf.

Yet, in reflection—do you realize the ORIGINAL Celebrator of womankind is her Creator—God?! He celebrates you...year round!

At times does the world, your family or yourself cause you to feel small or less than the best?

Do you find yourself using negative “self-talk” or being your worst critic?!

Let’s go BACK to The Source of the matter…

“And the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man He made(fashioned, formed) into a woman, and He brought her and presented her to the man.”

Genesis 2:22AMPC

The Hebrew word for “MADE” is a powerful one!

It’s the word—BANAH

Genesis 2 uses two different words for the forming and fashioning of the man and the woman. The two words give insight into differences between the genders.

The Hebrew word, “built,” is banah, means to build, to construct. The meaning is that the woman was “built!” She was a beautiful creature, built from Adam for Adam. Adam had simply been sculpted (Hebrew, “jatsar”) from clay; meaning “to fashion as a potter.” A pot is simple and straightforward. It is usually filled with one thing at a time. That nicely illustrates the man as a purpose fulfiller. In a sense, a man is focused upon purposes, and when he is pursuing the purpose, he is filled with that one thing.

Yet, the woman was built. The architecture, symmetry, and beauty was the crowning glory of God. The word for the fashioning of the woman is banah, used for making palaces, a temple, or forms of art. It implies that the woman was meant not only to be a companion but an aesthetic work. Part of the creative work of God is that this aesthetic work would have the capacity to sustain her own beauty. Researchers tell us that one out of ten men are color blind, while one out of two hundred women are color blind. That implies that God built into women the capacity to be aesthetically sensitive.

Ladies, today—lift your head HIGH! You are NOT an afterthought or a haphazard creation!

May you realize YOU are an intentional designer original— architecturally crafted by The Most High God. 

As we stand in awe of a magnificent sunrise or as we embrace the wonder of a newborn child…Ladies, may we each learn to CELEBRATE the God-given wonder of YOU!

God wants you to embrace your curves, your laughter, your walk …learn to embrace the way HE has MADE you for HIS Glory…BANAH!

Let me know…How will YOU celebrate this Truth?!


GEM Coach Michele






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