One of These Things Is NOT...

 Are you familiar with the children’s song…” One of these things is NOT like the other”?

 I was sitting at the breakfast nook table, sipping my favorite blend of Hazelnut coffee and minding “my own business,” when my heart heard the words…” Share your story so MORE people can be helped.”

My response…God, I do not understand; I do not know what you mean.

“Tell your story in a book; write it so I [meaning GOD] can reach more hearts than your local availability.”

After the shock, disbelief, and mixed feelings of inadequacy AND downright feebleness subsided, I began my quest.

What quest?

The journey of knowledge! I began to research how to author a book. I started reading other stories on how to draft a book.

I journaled about my discoveries.

I cried with friends about what I heard.

I prayed about what God spoke to my heart.

I told my closest friends about it.

Months later, I will tell others what I...

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Guess What? God ALWAYS Gets The Last Word

Life is a journey with twists and turns, with highs and lows, with joys and sorrows.

God is still writing the chapters of your story, just hold on and the page WILL turn.

The GOOD news is wherever you are at this moment in time...I encourage you to KEEP walking!


Guess What my friend - SUNDAY ALWAYS COMES!

They too "thought" He was dead...They "thought" it was over...they "thought" their dreams were gone!

But God had a BIGGER... a BETTER...The BEST Plan in mind for all of humanity.

May you be recharged today to know...SUNDAY IS HERE!








G.E.M. Club Request

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Wondering How To Make Your PATH TO SUCCESS Rock? Read This!

In this fast-paced, digital and consumer-driven world as we watch people GRASP for the golden ring...What is the genuine measure of SUCCESS?

  • Is it the number of social media Likes?
  • Is it the number of followers?
  • Is it property and financial resources?
  • Is it title and status?
  • Is it higher learning degrees?

The world's definition of SUCCESS is deceptive, centered on self-gratification, manipulates others for self-promotion and sadly ends in misery.

King Solomon, the wealthiest man in history tallied his vast assets and in his final analysis he shares:

"And furthermore, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. 
[This is] the end of the matter; all hath been heard: fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole [duty] of man. " Ecclesiastes 12:12,13 
This month from God's perspective we explore and uncover 10 principles---"The POWER P's On The Path of SUCCESS!
Why? Once we...
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Here Comes The NEW YEAR...What's Your "BHAG"?

What's your BHAG (bee-hag) for This NEW Year??? 


This is the time of year where we STOP and take STOCK of our prior year goals, what we actually accomplished and where we want to go in the next year.

"There's a time AND season for all things!" 

What are your God-given dreams, plans, and goals for this upcoming year? 

I completed mine this past weekend, with a range of emotions---EXCITEMENT in the goals fulfilled and exceeded...then EXPECTATION for those yet to be completed.

A balanced plan includes surveying time with God, time with family, serving in one's house of worship, serving your community and of course your business/employer.

How are you doing in each of those areas? It's a sobering and honest conversation we must have with ourselves each week...sometimes daily!

In the reflection of my passion and call to encourage God's people to develop strategic plans to "step out of the boat" the NEW YEAR provides each of us with...

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