Are You Willing And Ready To... Fall IN Love?

find love May 25, 2020

It's early morning as I lie in bed my alarm clock radio awakens me from my twilight sleep.

Head on the pillow considering one more rollover before I arise, then I hear the announcer use that dreaded word "corona"!

At this point it's now four weeks into our state "stay in place" mandate. Although my office is based at home, the mandate has changed my external life activities. The routine run to the post office or office supply store is now a 25-minute pre-check ordeal of plastic gloves, face mask, and grabbing a precious can of Lysol to conscientiously wipe down countless surfaces.

Standing in line at the post office [yes, at the new "social distance of 6-feet apart] as the cue slowly proceeds we reluctantly look into one another's eyes hoping to spot a familiar face. In some customers' eyes I see frustration, others I see sadness, a few I see "smiling" eyes and others I see outright fear.

Finally, as I drive home from a usual 10-minute activity which now takes 30 to 40 minutes I...

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