It Wasn't Easy...BUT It Was WORTH IT!

clarity goal setting Apr 10, 2022

Where are you at this very moment?

Sitting in the car catching your breath? At your desk daydreaming? Home and trying to unwind from the day?


At a recent friends’ coffee gathering we chatted about our families, our jobs, our community projects and most of all..." shyly" about the goals on our hearts. I call them our PASSION PROJECTS. It's what we REALLY want to do regardless of compensation. It's the GREAT "thing" we want to do to impact mankind; the gathering was finally split into two identifiers:

  • “TDD”- The Day Dreamers
  • “TWW”- The Water Walkers

Each one DAYDREAMED with a burning heart desire to provide a “never heard of” solution to help the young, to help the elderly, to help the abused, to help the homeless, to help single parents, to start a business, to start a new family tradition or launch a ministry to see lives…TRANSFORMED for eternity!

Ecclesiastes 3:11NIV

11 He...

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