The Secret Connection Between Your Choice And Goals

clarity goals peace Dec 27, 2023

My choices today support my goals for tomorrow.

Each day is a reminder that I am one step closer to my goals. Keeping that in mind helps me to stay on track with the choices I make. I am responsible and mature enough to make strategic life decisions.

The focus that goal achievement requires rarely daunts me. When I think of my future success, I get excited about the prospect of getting there. I commit to what is important.

It is easy to avoid over indulgence when I know I have financial goals. I remind myself that taking care of the important things now is paramount. I am saving indulgence until I am able to celebrate achieving my objectives.

The relationships I form today determine the kind of future support structure I have at my disposal. I am careful with my choice of friends. I want them around for a long time.

When I am at a crossroads, I avoid making a choice based on my emotion of the moment. I realize how easy it is to be reactive when choosing by feelings. Instead, my...

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Break Money Beliefs That Limit Your Resource Flow

"Break every chain, Break every chain, break every chain"

Are you familiar with the lyrics of this song?

What is the world's definition of POVERTY?

Poverty is the state of not having enough material possessions or income for a person's basic needs. Poverty may include social, economic, and political elements. Absolute poverty is the complete lack of the means necessary to meet basic personal needs, such as food, clothing, and shelter.

And...What is YOUR definition of poverty?

I'll give you a moment to digest the question then respond.

Now, what is GOD's definition of poverty?

We typically think it's economic deficiencies- a lack of financial resources, or material goods, a lack of "connections

Yet, one of my mentors challenged my mindset in the early years of launching our divinely inspired 501c3 - the Time To Fly Foundation...

As I struggled with:

Where do I find the money to help these women?

Where do I find the resources to guide me?

Who will help me execute the vision?


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It Wasn't Easy...BUT It Was WORTH IT!

clarity goal setting Apr 10, 2022

Where are you at this very moment?

Sitting in the car catching your breath? At your desk daydreaming? Home and trying to unwind from the day?


At a recent friends’ coffee gathering we chatted about our families, our jobs, our community projects and most of all..." shyly" about the goals on our hearts. I call them our PASSION PROJECTS. It's what we REALLY want to do regardless of compensation. It's the GREAT "thing" we want to do to impact mankind; the gathering was finally split into two identifiers:

  • “TDD”- The Day Dreamers
  • “TWW”- The Water Walkers

Each one DAYDREAMED with a burning heart desire to provide a “never heard of” solution to help the young, to help the elderly, to help the abused, to help the homeless, to help single parents, to start a business, to start a new family tradition or launch a ministry to see lives…TRANSFORMED for eternity!

Ecclesiastes 3:11NIV

11 He...

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How Can One Stay REFRESHED In The Hectic Holidays?

Studies from the American Psychological Association show the holidays [November to January] are not the happiest time of year for everyone.

I personally after journeying through over 40 holiday seasons as an adult---every year was not a happy time!

Along the holiday trail I've encountered--- work-related pressures, health scares, loss of family members and the flu one year where I couldn't move out of the bed for three days!!!

Those years made me extremely sensitive to the circumstances of others during the holiday season. It makes me ever so grateful for God's Love that sustains us year by year.

"For God so LOVED the world that He GAVE His Only-begotten Son..." John 3:16

If you're feeling worn, depressed,  isolated or alone during ANY holiday season follow God's strategy...G.I.V.E!

Why? It will take your focus OFF of you and your current situation [reminder---situations DO change!] and it will release the rivers of God's love within you! 

Here's a...

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