Lessons In The Garden…

leadershiplifelessons May 01, 2022

Spring is finally here! One of the activities I enjoy is preparing the garden and yard for the season arrivals. I put on my work gloves, mud boots, goggles, play music from my cell and I start raking, blowing and clipping away!

It’s a solemn yet FUN and reflective time for me. LOL

On one side of the house, there are several hydrangea bushes— their colors range from white, pink or deep purple over the seasons as I change nutrients.

The past winter brought unusual frost and spikes in temperature—the poor plants seemed confused in the bloom cycle.

Today with a balmy 68 degrees I decided it’s time to cut off the dead shoots from last season and clip back those which prematurely bloomed. While clipping I was reminded of this verse…

I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more...

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Proven Tips To Overcome a Sudden Loss of Confidence

confidence Apr 24, 2022

Self-esteem can be fragile, and it’s possible to lose it. A traumatic event can also be a blow to your confidence. How can you deal with a sudden loss of confidence? Is it possible to recover and regain the confidence that is gone?

 "Even if godly people fall down seven times, they always get up. But those who are evil trip and fall when trouble comes." Proverbs 24:16 NIRV

Your confidence levels can fluctuate, but there are ways to cope.

How Confidence Can Disappear

In many cases, trauma or a negative event is behind this issue.

Confidence can disappear after an embarrassing or difficult moment. For example, your self-esteem can diminish if a presentation at work is mocked and ridiculed by coworkers. Your confidence can be hurt by cruel words and laughter.

Another common cause of low confidence is arguments. Fights with your significant other or family members can make you feel unsure and unhappy about yourself. They can lead to doubts about your abilities and skills.


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Guess What? God ALWAYS Gets The Last Word

Life is a journey with twists and turns, with highs and lows, with joys and sorrows.

God is still writing the chapters of your story, just hold on and the page WILL turn.

The GOOD news is wherever you are at this moment in time...I encourage you to KEEP walking!


Guess What my friend - SUNDAY ALWAYS COMES!

They too "thought" He was dead...They "thought" it was over...they "thought" their dreams were gone!

But God had a BIGGER... a BETTER...The BEST Plan in mind for all of humanity.

May you be recharged today to know...SUNDAY IS HERE!








G.E.M. Club Request

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It Wasn't Easy...BUT It Was WORTH IT!

clarity goal setting Apr 10, 2022

Where are you at this very moment?

Sitting in the car catching your breath? At your desk daydreaming? Home and trying to unwind from the day?


At a recent friends’ coffee gathering we chatted about our families, our jobs, our community projects and most of all..." shyly" about the goals on our hearts. I call them our PASSION PROJECTS. It's what we REALLY want to do regardless of compensation. It's the GREAT "thing" we want to do to impact mankind; the gathering was finally split into two identifiers:

  • “TDD”- The Day Dreamers
  • “TWW”- The Water Walkers

Each one DAYDREAMED with a burning heart desire to provide a “never heard of” solution to help the young, to help the elderly, to help the abused, to help the homeless, to help single parents, to start a business, to start a new family tradition or launch a ministry to see lives…TRANSFORMED for eternity!

Ecclesiastes 3:11NIV

11 He...

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Ssssh No Worries---You're Covered!


My grandfather was born in 1917 and had 17 siblings! Yes, they were farm people and he joked “the children were ideal FREE labor”  :>). 

 With 20 souls in one family, they learned to be grateful and not waste ANY part of the cow and pigs placed before them---as he would say “we ate from the rooter to the tooter”. Yet, ice cream was a rare TREAT for the size of their household.

Years later, my grandparents kept multiple containers of Breyers ice cream in the fridge for our visits. Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Pistachio, Vanilla Cherry--- with STRAWBERRY as my favorite!

Inevitably a younger cousin would eye another’s bowl, compare it to their portion and begin to cry or have a tantrum. The older ones would rush to share their portion with the crying one.

Yet, to the younger ones, I can still hear my grandpa say---

“Hush, why are you crying? Don’t worry---there is MORE than enough!”

And it seemed my grandmom...

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5 Powerful Ways To Reclaim What The Devil Stole!

Today, I'm going to share with you five powerful ways to regain your life back from what the devil has stolen.

My passion is helping women share their unique faith journeys through the life lessons they have learned along the way with clarity and confidence so they can impart it to the next generation.

So whether it's a book, a podcast, a new organization to impact the next generation, a nonprofit, and more, our expertise helps you translate your journey and communicate it so that others may learn.

Do you know the number one tactic that stops many of these dynamic women, it's five voices that will attempt to bring their creativity to a screeching halt!

And I've discovered this after working with thousands of women from around the world.

So get your pen and get your notepad and let's get into it.

The Five Voices:

  • The first voice that comes to them is---” God called YOU???. How could he call you?

That's an attempt to tear down your self-esteem. Make you doubt. Wonder question....

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How To Create the Time You Need to Do the Things You Love

dreampreneur planning vison Feb 06, 2022

Time is at a premium these days. It’s hard to find someone that complains about having too much time on their hands. Most of us are so busy with work, family, and various obligations, there’s little time left to do the things we’d really like to do!

 It’s not easy to find time to pursue your dreams, but there’s usually a way if you’re truly serious.

 "Everything God ever asks you to do, even if it's difficult, He asks because He has something great in mind for you." ~ Joyce Meyer

 I use these techniques to create the time you require for important pursuits:


  1. Decide what you want to make room for. The best way to motivate yourself to create more free time in your life is to identify what you want to make time for! What are the most important things you’d like to spend more time on? Do you want to learn the violin? Spend more time with your spouse?

  •  Figure out how you’d spend that extra time and make sure...
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The Surprising Link between Planning and Procrastination

planning procrastination Jan 21, 2022

When it comes to procrastination, planning can be the solution or the obstacle. Managing your time sometimes helps you to stop putting things off. On the other hand, if you have trouble moving beyond the planning stage, you may wind up bogged down in analysis paralysis.

Maybe you already have signs of over-planning in your life. You read the latest bestselling diet books, but put off cutting calories and going to the gym. You want to start a business, but you do so much research that conditions change before you’re ready to launch.

You can learn how to turn your dreams into reality. Use these tips to help you move from thinking to doing.

Tackling the Underlying Causes of Excess Planning:

1-  Accept uncertainty. It’s impossible to predict the future. Embracing change is more effective than resisting it. Being adaptable creates more security than trying to rely on a false sense of control

2- Make an effort. Talking about something usually requires less energy...

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Tips To Create A Vision Board and Reach Your Goals

planning vision Sep 26, 2021

“Vision is the Source and hope of life. The greatest gift ever given to mankind is not the gift of sight, but the gift of vision. Sight is a function of the eyes; vision is a function of the heart. ‘Eyes that look are common, but eyes that see are rare.’ Nothing noble or noteworthy on earth was ever done without vision.”          

Dr. Myles Munroe [my beloved mentor]

 A vision board can be a wonderful tool for reminding yourself about your goals each day. One of the most challenging parts of achieving goals is sticking with them. It’s easy to become distracted, lose hope, or even forget about them. A vision board is a solution for all of these challenges.

Regular use of a vision board keeps your goals fresh in your mind. Using a vision board also associates positive feelings with the achievement of your goals.

 Nearly anything can serve as a vision board. Ideally, your vision board will be...

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Put Your Pedal To The Medal—WHOOO-HOOO!

It’s still early in the NEW year are you ready and willing to SHIFT Gear from Park or Neutral?

Prior to any new year, I customarily make time to get quiet with God for an annual review of the prior year—what lessons has He taught me? Where has He brought me? What lives have been impacted for His purposes as a result of the prior questions? Then most of all…what NEW dimension of Himself has been revealed to me?

The recap leaves me in tears of JOY and some years bittersweet tears of SORROW knowing I must take my spiritual “redo” test because I did not quite GRASP the character lesson the first time!

As I read my Bible, prayed and journaled, my heart was impressed with an image of a sleek sports car. Honestly, NOT my first choice as a 5’ 10” person who on fancy occasions likes to wear “big hair”—so logically a sports car is NOT this woman’s dream. LOL

Yet, I did appreciate the...

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